This year I have set out to sew a bunch of Christmas socks as Christmas presents. I am going to fill them with different filling depending on who the recipient is. Here is a picture of the first Christmas stocking:
Jeg har brodert litt forskjellige små julemotiver som jeg skal sy på forsiden av strømpene, noen skal få motiv og noen får navnet sitt på strømpen. Til kant har jeg kjøpt et hvitt loddent stoff, det ser nesten ut som lamme-ull.
Totalt sett er jeg passe fornøyd med denne, nå gjenstår det kun en 15-16 stk.....
I have embroidered different little Christmas motifs that I will sew on the front of the socks, some will have a design and some will get their name on the stocking. To the edge I bought a white fabric, it almost looks like lamb-wool.
Overall, I'm happy with this one, now only 15-16 socks remain .....
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Kathys's quilts
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Kathys's quilts
2 kommentarer:
The Christmas stockings are beautiful! Have fun filling them.
What a lovely gift to receive. It will be fun filling them too!
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