Jeg prøver å få litt mer kontroll over stofflageret mitt. Siden gutten min nå er blitt 14 år og alle mine venner er over småbarnsperioden, var det på tide å gjøre noe med de stoffene som er typiske småbarnsstoffer. Siste rest av elefantstoffet ble til dette lille teppet:
I'm trying to get some more control over my fabric stach. Since my boy is now 14 years old and all my friends childern are over the infant age, it was time to do something about the fabrics that are typical for infants. Last remnant of the elephant fabric ended in this little quilt:
Siden jeg ikke har noen på min gaveliste som er i målgruppen for dette teppet, blir det donert til Tepper som Varmer.
Since I do not have any on my gift list that is in the target age for this quilt, it will be donated to a childrens hospital.
I dag linker jeg til Bambisyr og LoveLaughQuilt
2 kommentarer:
I love making baby quilts but my family is too old for these I make them and donate them to various organizations. I love how fast they can be. Plus I like working with cute fabric. The elephant quilt is darling. Some little person will love it.
Beautiful use of your stash! Your quilt is lovely - it looks like your fussy cut your blocks and they look lovely! I'm learning to try and keep a baby quilt on hand for gifts as well as donating the to the local children's hospital. Thank you for sharing at Bambi's link up!
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